E2 - Presenting m2-cm and establishing local communities of teachers in Cyprus

The multiplier event took place on Sunday, June 25, 2023, at 17:30 in Cyprus, attracting 55 participants. The event showcased the Teachers’ Guide and the Repository of Activities designed to integrate music and creative movement into mathematics education. Attendees engaged in discussions about lessons learned, good practices, and project outcomes. Additionally, the online course and learning platform were demonstrated up to the point of their development at the time, and a small sample of the product was shown to the participants.

A PowerPoint presentation featuring images and detailed descriptions of the training activities held in Sweden was shared. The teachers who attended the training in Sweden also spoke briefly about their experiences. Participants received leaflets about the M2CM project, created by AMUSED, to further inform them about the project's details. An attendance sheet was signed by all participants. The session concluded with a vibrant display of music, underscoring its powerful role in education and enriching the event's atmosphere. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions, fostering an interactive and informative experience.